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We have an exciting lineup of invited speakers for the 15th Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Conference. Thought leaders and experts will share their insights to inspire change in the way we prevent injury across Australasia. Don't miss out on your early bird discount; register to attend the conference today!

15th Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Conference


Tane Cassidy, ACC

Dr Joanna Hikaka, University of Auckland joined by Kirsty Maxwell-Crawford, Hariata Vercoe & Pare Merito


Prof Ian Civill, NZ Trauma Network

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Prof Michael Keall, University of Otago


Jennifer Cullen, Synapse

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Fay Selby Law, Hāpai Te Hauora

15th Australasian Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Conference

AIPN Member Spotlight

Who you are?

Dr Rod McClure is Professor of Public Health Medicine, Dean, School of Medicine, and Pro Vice Chancellor Health Futures, at Western Sydney University.  He is Chair of the Board of the Nib Foundation; Council Member of the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Board Member of the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research, and Council Member of the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise.  Since being awarded his PhD in Epidemiology and Population Health in 1995, he has had comprehensive international career with clinical, administrative, education and research contributions across the public, private and government sectors.  His particular specialist expertise is in decision support analytics.

How did you get into Injury Prevention?

After finishing my intern year at Royal North Shore I went to work in the UK where I spent far too many hours retrieving seriously injured young adults from major motor vehicle crashes.  I felt there had to be a better solution. From there I returned to Australia to begin a PHD in injury prevention, and Fellowship training in Public Health Medicine.

What is your favourite part of being involved with the AIPN?

Before me, being involved with the AIPN is about being part of the future.  The AIPN is the torch that keeps the passion for injury prevention in Australia burning brightly.  Its an exciting network, with exciting people committed to their cause.   Every time I connect to the Network I am inspired to keep going.

A fact about yourself that most people wouldn't know?

I still travel on a New Zealand Passport.

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Professor Rod McClure
Western Sydney University & AIPN Life Member

Coming Soon - AIPN Awards Nominations

It's time to acknowledge the brilliance within our field by nominating your deserving colleague for the AIPN Awards! The AIPN is gearing up to honor those who have made outstanding contributions to injury prevention and safety promotion, and your colleague could be the next shining star to take the stage.

Nominations will be opening early December. Take this time to consider which of your colleagues are a deserving nominee.  

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AIPN Member Projects

Research collaboration increases knowledge and awareness about farm safety 

A collaborative effort among multiple universities and led by AIPN members Dr Amy Peden and Prof Richard Franklin, has resulted in the development of an inventive remedy for the issue – an educational game titled 'Calm Your Farm.' This online game, available at no cost, serves as a platform for teenagers to gain insights into potential hazards present in farm environments and discover methods to mitigate the risk of injuries. The interdisciplinary team comprises researchers specializing in injury prevention, education, and game development from UNSW, the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), James Cook University, and the University of Sydney Rural Medical School and has been co-designed with students. Nominations will be opening 15th December. Take this time to consider which of your colleagues are a deserving nominee.  

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Reports & Publications

Australian Government Department of Social Services (2023). Theory of change 2022-2032: under the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2023) Hip fracture care pathways in Australia, AIHW, Australian Government

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2023). Family, domestic and sexual violence

Child pedestrian crossing behaviour and associated risk factors in school zones: a video-based observational study in Kampala, Uganda

Critical appraisal, reviewing and synthetizing the injury prevention and control literature: time to revisit peer-reviewing and systematic reviews?

Injury-related emergency department use among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities insured by Medicaid from 2010 to 2016

Financial burden of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions in football (soccer) players: an Australian cost of injury study

How to successfully engage a community in road safety

Sleep characteristics and adolescent physical activity-related injuries in sports clubs, leisure time and schools

Understanding a community’s needs for an emergency department-based childhood injury prevention programme: a mixed-methods study

Updated population-level estimates of child restraint practices among children aged 0–12 years in Australia, 10 years after introduction of age-appropriate restraint use legislation

Yarn up, listen up: community report of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people’s perspectives on suicide prevention

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Public Consultations

Standards Australia Swimming Pool Safety Barriers Standard Open for Public Comment

The draft Standard Swimming pool safety, Part 1: Safety barriers for swimming pools is now open for comment.

Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) Student and Early Career Group (SECG) Helen Barrie National Prize

Injury Prevention Officer -0.6FTE 

Injury Matters is currently looking for an Injury Prevention Officer 0.6FTE until January 2025. 

This position supports the seamless delivery of injury prevention projects. The Injury Prevention Officer will support the development and implementation of a range of strategies and initiatives aimed at improving injury prevention in the community.  

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January 2024 News

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We have an exciting lineup of invited speakers for the 15th Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Conference. Thought leaders and experts will share their insights to inspire change in the way we prevent injury across Australasia. Presenter acceptence is due by today 15th January.

Don't miss out on your early bird discount; register to attend the conference today!

15th Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Conference


Tane Cassidy, ACC

Joanna Hikaka

Dr Joanna Hikaka, University of Auckland joined by Kirsty Maxwell-Crawford, Hariata Vercoe & Pare Merito

Reports & Publications


Prof Ian Civill, NZ Trauma Network

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Prof Michael Keall, University of Otago


Jennifer Cullen, Synapse

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Fay Selby Law, Hāpai Te Hauora

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Jenny Firmin, Whanhanui Regional Health

AIHW Workshop

AIHW Workshop - Australia's National Strategy for Injury Prevention - Have your say in developing some of the key indicators.

AIPN Executive Committee Appoint Secretary

The Executive Committee are pleased to announce Janneke Berecki-Gisolf as the AIPN secretary for 2024. Janneke Berecki is an associate professor at the Monash University Accident Research Centre, where she is the Director of the Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit (VISU). Janneke studied Medicine at the University of Amsterdam where she also completed her PhD (cum laude). For over ten years Janneke has conducted injury research, with a focus on injury outcomes and injury epidemiology.  Janneke has designed and conducted several data linkage studies, including linkage of data sources such as injury compensation claims, Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme records, hospital admissions, Emergency Department presentations and cause of death data. Her research interests are injury surveillance, injury data quality, comorbidity and chronic disease, data linkage studies and pharmacoepidemiology. Congratulations Janneke on your appointment. 

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Vale Ivor Barry Pless

The Journal of Injury Prevention invites members to share their memories, thoughts and comments about the late Dr Ivor Barry Pless.  Dr Pless, the founding editor of Injury Prevention,  passed away on 1 Aug 2023. A paediatrician, epidemiologist and Professor Emeritus at McGill University, Dr Pless made a significant contribution and was a tireless advocate for children’s health.

AIPN Member Spotlight

Who you are?

I am currently Assistant Director at the Interim Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC) - Data Systems Section.

As an Injury Epidemiologist and health data scientist, I have built a predominantly research focussed career on a foundation as a Critical Care Nurse (ED/ Trauma), and strive to make a difference to population health through the strategic use of big data, surveillance and advocacy to ensure health outcomes are the result of adhering best practice standards.

How did you get into Injury Prevention?

From many years in ED clinical work - I felt driven to do more than ‘fix one person at a time’ - wanting to prevent the tide of injury instead of mopping up its results - and my career path evolved from there. Progressing from clinical expertise to research has involved some fabulous work opportunities and great collaborations - and education (currently completing my 2nd Masters!).

What is your favourite part of being involved with the AIPN?

I believe in the importance of academics working closely with government - if we are truly to have a bigger impact - and am enjoying this current opportunity to do just this in an important project for Australia- establishing the CDC! My favorite thing about being part of the APN is being with like-minded people, and speaking a language that everyone understands… It is a relatively small field in Australia, and sadly will be unlikely to get much attention within the Australian CDC… However, as part of the AIPN, I know, there is strength in the consistency of our collaborative efforts. I look forward to seeing everyone in Rotorua, and hope to have time for a mud bath!

A fact about yourself that most people wouldn't know?

I have worked in 6 countries across 3 continents.

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Dr Lisa Sharwood
Australian Centre for Disease Control

Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Awards

It's time to acknowledge the brilliance within our field by nominating your deserving colleague for the AIPN Awards! The AIPN is gearing up to honor those who have made outstanding contributions to injury prevention and safety promotion, and your colleague could be the next shining star to take the stage.
 Award Categories:

Achievement in Research in Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion

  • Pam Albany Memorial Award: Contribution to Policy in Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion

  • Achievement in Practice in Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion

  • Special Award for Sustained Achievement in Injury Prevention

  • Marilyn Lyford Memorial Emerging Leader Award

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Reports & Publications

Supporting a community of injury prevention giants: past, present and future

Injury Prevention is the leading journal for public-health-focused injury prevention efforts to reduce the burden of injury in all age groups around the world. Injury Prevention is committed to progressing this by having a focus on preserving injury prevention history, sharing this with new generations of injury researchers and shaping the field. The Injury Preventions Journal has outlined its focus and priorities for the coming years.

Critical appraisal, reviewing and synthetizing the injury prevention and control literature: time to revisit peer-reviewing and systematic reviews?

Injury Prevention Injury are seeking input from journal authors and readers about topical questions such as review recognition, the emergence of pre-prints and systematic reviews. You can contribute to this debate via the rapid response function.

This is an excellent opportunity for AIPN Members to contribute to the discussion. 

Injury Prevention in Western Australia Position Paper

Injury Matters has recently released the "Injury Prevention in Western Australia Position Paper", a blueprint for reducing the impact of injury in our community. While WA-specific, the insights and strategies outlined in the Paper can inspire nationwide efforts.

This Paper highlights the need for shifting from post-injury treatments to proactive prevention, emphasising the significance of data collection, community initiatives and robust legislation. As we aim for a notable reduction in injuries, collaboration remains key. Dive in to understand how a combined national approach can guide us towards a safer Australia for everyone.

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Lowitja Institute Scholarships

Lowitja Institute scholarships aim to support the next generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health researchers.

These scholarships contribute to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership of health research by providing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to develop skills in areas relevant to meaningful health research.

The following scholarship types will be available:
•    Certificate IV
•    Graduate Certificate
•    Higher Degree Research Top-Up

Scholarships open on 27 November 2023 and will close on 5 February 2024.


Research Manager

Kidsafe WA is seeking an experienced Research Manager to coordinate effective strategies for research and evaluation. For full details of the position and application process read more. 

Have you got activities you want to promote or content to share? Please send any articles to 27th day of each month.

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